with regular segment:  and host ... 
                                                                             Dr. Moira Gunn
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About Dr. Moira Gunn

DR. MOIRA GUNN stands squarely at the nexus of technology, science and society.

Through her public radio program Tech Nation, and its segment BioTech Nation, she has interviewed over 3,000 people – from CEO’s to scientists, from venture capitalists to politicians, from teachers to technophobes, and more. In her words, everyone plays a role, everyone is a piece of the puzzle.

A former NASA scientist and engineer, her earlier career focus has been in Big Data ... before it was called Big Data ... and software in global applications, robotics engineering and human nutrition measurement. Gunn further expanded into the world of biotechnology and bioentrepreneurship, interviewing the people who decode our DNA, who seek to cure cancer and rare disease, and who work to make energy fully sustainable. Her book: "Welcome to BioTech Nation: My Unexpected Odyssey into the Land of Small Molecules, Lean Genes, and Big Ideas" was named to the Best Science Books List by the Library Journal.

Tech Nation and its segment BioTech Nation play in both podcast and radio formats to a broad audience. Tech Nation podcasts can be heard on NPROne, Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Pandora, Alexa, and a complement of other podcast outlets.  In radio, Tech Nation airs nationwide on public radio stations, on the NPR channel on SiriusXM, and the NPR 24-hour Program Stream. It is also aired globally in 144 countries via American Forces Radio Internationale.

An award-winning radio journalist, Gunn's success in explaining and framing technology and science is born out of solid credentials: She was the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University, where she also earned a Masters in Computer Science. With a long career in systems development, she holds a software patent in nutrition research, is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and was further recognized for her career achievements by Purdue with an honorary doctorate in science.

The National Science Board awarded Dr. Gunn the Public Service Award to the Individual for her contributions to the public understanding of science and engineering. She is the former President of SIBER, the Society for International Bioentrepreneurship Education and Research. Among other board positions, Gunn is recognized with Emeritus status at the Tech Museum of Innovation in Silicon Valley and the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology. 

Dr. Gunn is an Associate Professor in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Director of Bioentrepreneurship at the University of San Francisco. In this capacity, she created and oversees the bioentrepreneurship graduate courses, which are taught university wide. Her most recent contribution is a course entitled "Biotech's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic". Her research includes measuring everyday attitudes toward biotechnology, science, technology, engineering and math, as well as identifying the expertise needed to move breakthrough scientific research and technology to viable commercial products.

For public speaking availabilities, email DrGunnSpeaks@gmail.com.