Tech Nation: January - March 2005

Show Originating on
March 29, 2005

(program 05-T19-00013)

First Interview: Professor Oded Shenkar
Ford Motor Company Chair, Global Business Management
Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University

The Chinese Century ...
The Rising Chinese Economy and its Impact
on the Global Economy, The Balance of Power and Your Job

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with
Ohio State University Professor ODED SHENKAR about
the rise of China. They'll look at the lessons of history -
as well as what's happening today - to find out just why
he calls this "The Chinese Century."

BioTech Nation Segment:


Chair, Great Britain's Human Fertilisation
and Embryology Authority

In this BioTech Nation segment, SUZI LEATHER, the head of Great Britain's Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, will tell us why this nation - which permits stem cell research - actually exerts far more government controls than the US.

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Show Originating on
March 22, 2005

(program 05-T19-00012)

First Interview: Deborah Rudacille
Science Writer, Johns Hopkins University

Author, The Riddle of Gender ...
Science, Activism, and Transgender Rights

Earlier book: The Butterfly and The Scalpel ...
The Conflict Between Animal Research and Animal Protection

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with        Johns-Hopkins' DEBORAH RUDACILLE (pronounced "Rue-da-sill") about scientific definitions. Science now shows us that tens of millions of people do not fall into the physiological definition of either male and female ...

Second Interview: Bill Hayes

Author, Five Quarts …
A Personal and Natural History of Blood

Earlier book: Sleep Demons

Moira also speaks with BILL HAYES. He brings back his signature mixture of science and life experience - this time it's all about blood.

BioTech Nation Segment:


Associate Medical Director,
Pacific Fertility Center, San Francisco

In this BioTech Nation segment, DR. CAROLYN GIVENS tells us where In Vitro Fertilization meets stem cell research.

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Show Originating on
March 15, 2005

(program 05-T19-00011)

First Interview: Henry Jenkins
Director, Comparative Media Studies Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Co-Editor, Re-Thinking Media Change
and Democracy and New Media

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with        DR. HENRY JENKINS, the Director of the Comparative Media Studies Program at MIT. He believes that video games will revolutionize education.

Second Interview: John Beck
Senior Fellow, USC's Annenberg Center
of the Digital Arts Author, Got Game
… How the Gamer Generation is Reshaping Business Forever

Earlier book: The Attention Economy

Moira also speaks with JOHN BECK, a Senior Research Fellow at The Annenberg Center of the Digital Future. He warns that the "Gamer Generation" is about to enter the workforce - and that means change.

BioTech Nation Segment:

Science Liaison Manager,
Norwich Research Park, Norfolk, England

In this BioTech Nation segment, DR. BELINDA CLARKE, the Science Liaison Manager at Norwich Research Park, tells us why scientists have a moral obligation to communicate science.

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Show Originating on
March 8, 2005

(program 05-T19-00010)

First Interview: David Bodanis
Popular Science Writer and Author,
Electric Universe: The Shocking True Story of Electricity
Earlier books: E=mc2 and The Secret House

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with   DAVID BODANIS about man's fascination with electricity - from entertainment in the courts of French Kings to the modern day.

Second Interview: Sir Roger Penrose
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, Oxford University
Author, The Road to Reality
… A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe

Earlier books: The Emperor's New Mind and Shadows of the Mind

Moira also speaks with SIR ROGER PENROSE, who shares the Wolf Prize with Stephen Hawking. They'll discuss his new Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe.

BioTech Nation Segment:

Managing Director, Isis Innovation

In this BioTech Nation segment, Isis Innovation's TIM COOK Tim Cook will tell us how university scientists view industry, and vice-versa.

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Show Originating on
March 1, 2005

(program 05-T19-00009)

First Interview: Simon Singh
BBC Director, "The Proof"
Author, Big Bang … The Origin of the Universe
Earlier books: Fermat's Enigma and The Code Book

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with  SIMON SINGH about the origins of the Universe as conceived by humans throughout history - from myth and misconception to today's Big Bang.

Second Interview:
Brian Greene

Astrophysicist & Author, The Fabric of the Cosmos
Earlier book: The Elegant Universe

Moira also speaks with astrophysicist BRIAN GREENE about his idea to test the origins of the universe with data we may already have.

BioTech Nation Segment:

Director, SRI International

In this BioTech Nation segment, DR. PATRICK LINCOLN, the Director of the Computer Science Laboratory at SRI International, will tell us how bioscientists are building a powerful set of shared tools.

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Show Originating on
February 22, 2005

(program 05-T19-00008)

First Interview: Dr. Peter Whybrow
Director, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, UCLA
Author, American Mania

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with DR. PETER WHYBROW about what makes Americans different - genetically speaking that is. He'll tell us what genes Americans share - even though they hail from everywhere on the planet.

Second Interview:
Michael Shermer

Columnist, Scientific American
Author, Science Friction
... Where the Known Meets the Unknown

Moira also speaks with MICHAEL SHERMER about the art of being skeptical. They'll discuss the "Baloney detection kit."

BioTech Nation Segment:

Director, SRI International

In the BioTech Nation segment, DR. PATRICK LINCOLN, the Director of the Computer Science Laboratory at SRI International, will tell us what's new in the burgeoning field of bioinformatics.

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Show Originating on
February 15, 2005

(program 05-T19-00007)

First Interview: Robert Herbold
Former COO, Microsoft Corporation
Member, President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
Author, The Fiefdom Syndrome

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with the former Chief Operating Officer of Microsoft Corporation, ROBERT HERBOLD. He's a member of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, and you'll hear some surprising facts about technology education in the United States today.

Second Interview:
John Barry

Psychiatrist and Author, The Great Influenza

Moira also speaks with JOHN BARRY, whom you may know best him from his award-winning book "Rising Tide." Now he'll share the lessons we can learn today from the great influenza epidemic of 1918.

BioTech Nation Segment:

Pharmcacogenomics Expert, Pacific BioDevelopment

In the BioTech Nation segment, Pharmacogenomics expert DR. NANCY MIZE will tell us about the role - and expense - of clinical drug studies.

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Show Originating on
February 8, 2005

(program 05-T19-00006)

First Interview: Malcolm Gladwell
New Yorker Staff Writer
Author, Blink …
The Power of Thinking without Thinking

and The Tipping Point

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with MALCOLM GLADWELL, the author of "The Tipping Point." He's back with a new one: "Blink … The Power of Thinking without Thinking." They discuss what we freely signal without opening our mouths.

Second Interview:
Dr. Mark Epstein

Psychiatrist and Author, Open to Desire

Moira also speaks with psychiatrist DR. MARK EPSTEIN. While he's not averse to prescribing anti-depressants and other mainstream drugs, he's just as likely to prescribe Buddhist meditation. Sounds different, but the science supports it.

BioTech Nation Segment:

Pharmcacogenomics Expert, Pacific BioDevelopment

In the BioTech Nation segment, Pharmacogenomics expert DR. NANCY MIZE fills us in on "personalized medicine."

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Show Originating on
February 1, 2005

(program 05-T19-00005)

First Interview: Andy Hertzfeld
Member, Original Mac Technical Team
Programmer, Mac Toolbox
Author, Revolution in the Valley …
How the Mac Was Made

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with ANDY HERTSFELD about his experience as one of the original Macintosh technical team. Hertzfeld wrote the code for that central technology called the Mac Toolbox.

They'll talk about how Steve Jobs hired him - or rather commandeered him, and how his final job review had the action item: 'Stop talking to Steve Jobs.'

They'll also talk about what he thinks of the new ipod and the Mac mini - one gets a thumbs up, and the other a thumbs down.

BioTech Nation Segment:

Managing Director, The Kluyver Center for Genomics of Industrial Fermentation

In the BioTech Nation segment, DR. PATRICIA OSSEWEIJER outlines the difference between genetically modified foods and the technique of genomics.

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Show Originating on
January 25, 2005

(program 05-T19-00004)

First Interview: Barbara Kellerman
Research Director, Center for Public Leadership
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Author, Bad Leadership …
What It Is, How It Happens, Why It Matters

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with BARBARA KELLERMAN about what makes for bad leaders. Just so you know, Dr. Kellerman names names.

Second Interview:
Mary O'Hara-Devereaux

Forecaster and CEO, Global Foresight
Author, Navigating the Badlands …
Thriving in the Decade of Radical Transformation

Moira also speaks with futurist and forecaster MARY O'HARA-DEVEREAUX. She believes we've entered a period of disruptive innovation, and the next two decades will be a wild ride - she calls them "The Badlands."

BioTech Nation Segment:

Chairman and CEO, GeneEd, Inc.

In the BioTech Nation segment, DR. SUNIL MAULIK explains how you can learn the basics of biotech - online. You won't be a scientist, but you might have a new career.

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Show Originating on
January 18, 2005

(program 05-T19-00003)

First Interview: Evan Ratliff
Entrepreneur & Author, SAFE ... The Race to Protect Oourselves in a Newly Dangerous World

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with EVAN RATLIFF. They talk about making America safe - or at least the issues which underlie it.

Second Interview:
Barbara Heinzen

Geographer and Social Scientist
Member, The Global Business Network

Moira speaks with BARBARA HEINZEN. With a background in geography and cultural dynamics, her focus is uncertainty - how do we make decisions when we can't possibly know the answers we need.

BioTech Nation Segment:
Dr. Wim Jongen

Professor and Researcher, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

In the BioTech Nation segment, DR. WIM JONGEN talks about the design of new foods and food products - the goals and the challenges.

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Show Originating on
January 11, 2005

(program 05-T19-00002)

First Interview: Frans Johansson
Entrepreneur & Author, The Medici Effect

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with FRANS JOHANSSON. He shares his perspective on innovation today, a spark not unlike the remarkable developments the world witnessed at the time of the Medici.

Second Interview:
Eckart Wintzen

Environmental Entrepreneur & Venture Capitalist
Founder, Ex'tent &
Founder, Expression College for Digital Arts

Moira speaks with environmental entrepreneur ECKART WINTZEN. He'll tell us how companies might change, human interaction may evolve, and life might be better with the new technology.

BioTech Nation Segment:
Dr. Alison Murdock

Professor of Reproductive Medicine, Newcastle University

In the BioTech Nation segment, DR. ALISON MURDOCK, a gynecologist and Professor of Reproductive Medicine at Newcastle University. She'll tell you how to start your own stem cell line, just in case you wanted one of your own.

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Show Originating on
January 4, 2005

(program 05-T19-00001)

First Interview: Tiffany Shlain
Filmmaker & Chair,
The Webby Awards
Co-Founder, The International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences
On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with Filmmaker TIFFANY SHLAIN, the founder and chair of The Webby Awards. They'll talk about trends and counter-trends on the World Wide Web.

Second Interview: Douglas Mulhall
Journalist & Author, The Calcium Bomb

Moira also speaks with journalist DOUGLAS MULHALL. His new book "The Calcium Bomb" deals with the controversial subject of nanobacteria.

BioTech Nation Segment: Dame Julia Polak
Professor, Imperial College, London

In the BioTech Nation segment, DAME JULIA POLAK will share her experience as one of Britain's longest surviving heart/lung transplant recipients, and how it has affected her scientific research in tissue engineering.

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