Show Originating on
September 30, 2003:
"The Betrayal of the Tech Economy"
(program 03-T19-00039)

First Interview: Paul Krugman
New York Times columnist
Professor of Economic and International Affairs, Princeton University
Author: The Great Unraveling

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn will speak with Paul Krugman, the New York Times columnist and Professor of Economic and International Affairs at Princeton University. They'll look around for what's left of the New Economy, and he'll give us his take on the burgeoning Bio-Tech market.

Second Interview: Christopher Reich
Former International Banker & Novelist

Author: The Devil's Banker

Moira will also speak with former international banker turned best-selling novelist, Christopher Reich. They'll follow the tens of billions of dollars which travel around the world each year outside official banking circles. It's been around for a thousand years, and it's healthier than ever.

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Show Originating on
September 23, 2003:
"The Tech Candidate"
(program 03-T19-00038)

First Interview: Gail Sheehy
Author: Middletown, America ... One Town's Passage from Trauma to Hope

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn will speak with Gail Sheehy about the role of technology in the lives of 9/11 survivors, both during and after the tragedy.

Second Interview: Garrett Gruener
Founder, AskJeeves
"The Tech Candidate" in the California gubernatorial race

Moira will also speak with Garrett Gruener, the founder of AskJeeves and "The Tech Candidate" for governor of California. We'll hear his vision of technology, and how it might be used for lasting social change.

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Show Originating on
September 16, 2003:
"Tomorrow, Tomorrow"
(program 03-T19-00037)

First Interview: Dr. Peter Schwartz
Co-Founder and Chair, Global Business Network
Author: Inevitable Surprises ... Thinking Ahead in a Time of Turbulence

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn will speak with Peter Schwartz about what we can expect in the next 25 to 50 years. This well-known futurist joins Moira to talk about his new book, "Inevitable Surprises ... Thinking Ahead in a Time of Turbulence."

Second Interview: Steven Pinker
Johnstone Professor of Psychology, Harvard University
Co-Author: The Blank Slate ... The Modern Denial of Human Nature

Moira will also speak with Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker. They'll be talking about how great or how little an impact we, as parents, expect to make on the ultimate behavior of our children - at least, the current thinking of science.

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Show Originating on
September 9, 2003:
"Mars, Glorious Mars"
(program 03-T19-00036)

First Interview: Dr. William Hartmann
Author: A Traveler's Guide to Mars ... The Mysterious Landscapes of the Red Planet

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn will speak with scientist and award-winning science writer Dr. William Hartmann on his new book, "A Traveler's Guide to Mars ... The Mysterious Landscapes of the Red Planet."

Second Interview: Dr. Howard Cutler
Co-Author: The Art of Happiness at Work

Moira will also speak with psychiatrist Dr. Howard Cutler, who co-wrote "The Art of Happiness at Work" with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. It turns out both science and the Dalai Lama agree on what it takes to be happy.

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Show Originating on
September 2, 2003:
"The Speckled Monster"
(program 03-T19-00035)

First Interview: Dr. Jennifer Carrell
Author: The Speckled Monster

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn will speak with Dr. Jennifer Carrell about the centuries-old battle to fight the scourge of smallpox, a virus now declared eradicated by the CDC. What can we learn from the epidemics of smallpox in the 1700's? How can modern medicine subvert workable folk remedies? What were the societal and economic consequences? And how does this relate to HIV and SARS today?

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Show Originating on
August 26, 2003:
"The Romance of Being Wired"
(program 03-T19-00034)

First Interview: Gary Wolf
Author: Wired: A Romance

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn will speak with journalist Gary Wolf about the digital revolution and the heady early days of Wired magazine. A long time contributor to Wired, and the author of "Wired: A Romance", Wolf describes the vision, the energy and the chaos, which ultimately settles down into the stable Conde Nast magazine Wired is today.

Second Interview: Rebecca Smith
National Energy Reporter, The Wall Street Journal
Author: 24 Days

Moira will also speak with Rebecca Smith, the national energy reporter for that Wall Street Journal. They'll discuss the role the media played in the downfall of Enron, and how could a trusted 16-year-old publicly-traded company could fall apart in only 24 days.

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Show Originating on
August 19, 2003:
"Sex, Time and Power"
(program 03-T19-00033)

Today's Interview: Dr. Leonard Shlain
Chief, Laparoscopic surgery, California Pacific Medical Center
Author: Sex, Time and Power ... How Women's Sexuality Shaped Human Evolution

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn will speak with Dr. Leonard Shlain. While he is the Chief of Laparoscopic Surgery at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, he is also interested in the evolution of man. Today we'll hear his theories on men and women, from our emergence as homo sapiens. And we'll talk about his latest book, "Sex, Time and Power."

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Show Originating on
August 12, 2003:
"Isaac Newton"
(program 03-T19-00032)

First Interview: James Gleick
Journalist, The New York Times
Author: Isaac Newton
And Faster: The Acceleration of Just About Everything

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn will speak with James Gleick about his new biography of Isaac Newton. With access to his original letters, he gives a us view of the man whose real contribution was describing the physical laws of universe with mathematics, a feat which created the very underpinnings of modern science.

Second Interview: John Allen Paulos
Professor of Mathematics, Temple University
Author: A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market

Moira will also speak with John Allen Paulos, a professor of Mathematics at Temple University. They'll look at how math relates to the stock market, and actually how, in many ways, it doesn't relate at all.

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Show Originating on
August 5, 2003:
"Scientific Inaccuracy"
(program 03-T19-00031)

First Interview: Stephen Hall
Journalist, The New York Times
Author: Merchants of Immortality .... Chasing the Dream of Human Life Extension

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn will speak with journalist Stephen Hall. They'll talk about the controversy surrounding stem cell research and the medical breakthroughs it promises - both nationally and globally. We'll talk further about his latest book, "Merchants of Immortality ... Chasing the Dream of Human Life Extension."

Second Interview: Robin Cook
The Smihsonian Institution
Author: Coma And Seizure

Moira will also speak with Robin Cook, the author of a string of bestsellers better known as "medical thrillers." Dr. Cook looks at the realities of stem cell therapy in his latest novel, "Seizure." From basic definitions to scientific inaccuracies, he lays out a framework for discussing the big ethical questions.

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Show Originating on
July 29, 2003:
"A New Capitalism"
(program 03-T19-00030)

First Interview: Dr. Shoshana Zuboff
Professor, Harvard Business School
Author: The Support Economy .... Why Corporations Are Failing Individuals and the Next Episode of Capitalism

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn will speak with Harvard Business School Professor Dr. Shoshana Zuboff, the author of "The Support Economy." They'll talk about the reality of E-Commerce - was the World Wide Web a revolutionary new way of doing business? Or was it "business as usual?"

Second Interview: Joe Anastasi
Global Leader, Forensic Investigations, Deloitte & Touche
Author: The New Forensics .... Investigating Corporate Fraud and The Theft of Intellectual Property

Moira will also speak with Joe Anastasi, the Global Leader for Deloitte & Touche's Forensic Investigations practice. They'll talk about how computers first enable corporate fraud, and then betray it. We'll find out what the techno-auditors are able to find, and how they go after it.

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Show Originating on
July 22, 2003:
"It's a Big World"
(program 03-T19-00029)

First Interview: Aniruddha Bahal
Author: Bunker 13

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn will speak with Aniruddha Bahal, an investigative journalist and the Editor-in-Chief of We'll talk about how two young journalists followed the bribery trail up through the ranks of India's defense ministry. They used audacity, a small pile of cash and a brochure they skillfully created on their personal computer, to ultimately find themselves handing over a bribe in the home of the Indian Defense Minister.

Second Interview: Lisa See
Professor of Mathematics, Temple University
Author: On Gold Mountain
And Dragon Bones

Moira will also speak with Lisa See. Following on the success of her well-known memoir "On Gold Mountain," she returns to the China of her ancestors for her latest novel "Dragon Bones."

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Show Originating on
July 15, 2003:
"Tech Bites Back"
(program 03-T19-00028)

First Interview: Dr. Leonard Mlodinow
Author: Feynman's Rainbow ... A Search for Beauty in Physics and in Life

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn will speak with Dr. Leonard Mlodinow, who will recount his experience with the renown physicist Dr. Richard Feynman. Discovering tapes of his conversation recorded some twenty years ago, while doing his post-doc in Physics at CalTech, Mlodinow shares what some have described as "Tuesdays with Feynman."

Second Interview: Dr. Edward Tenner
The Smihsonian Institution
Author: Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences
And Our Own Devices: The Past and Future of Body Technology

Moira will also speak with Dr. Edward Tenner. His favorite topic is the impact of technology on humans, and in this program he'll talk about the physical effects of the shoes we wear, the chairs we sit in and the keyboards we type on.

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Show Originating on
July 8, 2003: The Third in our Summer Archive Series
"Faster Than a Speeding Bullet?"
(program 03-T19-00027)

First Interview: James Gleick
Author: Faster ... The Acceleration of Just About Everything
And: What Just Happened ... A Chronicle from the Information Frontier

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn will speak with James Gleick, the author of "Faster ... The Acceleration of Just About Everything." He's back with a retrospective set of essays, entitled "What Just Happened... A Chronicle from the Information Frontier."

Second Interview: John Martineau
Publisher, Wooden Books
A Little Book of Coincidence, Stonehenge, Platonic & Archimedean Solids, Sacred Geometry, Sun, Moon & Earth, Useful Mathematical & Physical Formulae

Moira will also speak with John Martineau, the publisher of Wooden Books. These very original little books cover unusual subject matter from the sacred geometry of churches and religious spaces to a complete overview of mathematics in just 54 pages.

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Show Originating on
July 1, 2003: The Second of Three in our Summer Archive Series
"Smart Mobs... "
(program 03-T19-00026)

Today's Interview: Howard Rheingold
Author, The Virtual Community
Author: Smart Mobs ... The Next Social Revolution

On this week's Tech Nation, Dr. Moira Gunn will speak with Howard Rheingold,the author of "The Virtual Community." They'll discuss his effort, "Smart Mobs ... The Next Social Revolution," looking at the effect of cell phones worldwide.

Second Interview: Beverly Davis
Assistant Professor, Purdue University's School of Technology
Researcher, Technoism

Moira will also speak with Beverly Davis, an Assistant Professor in Purdue University's School of Technology. Her current focus is "Technoism," the sense that we know technology is failing us but we're silent about it.

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